Value Education Sessions - Need of the Hour for Students by Br Yukta Chaitanya

February 26, 2024

Interactive sessions for students of Std 11 at Sri TP Bhatia College of Science Brahmachari Swami Yukta Chaitanyaji from Chinmaya Mission 25th February 2024, Sunday.

Today it’s widely experienced that everyone is under stress. We decided to start a program for our students and their parents that would address the need for a balanced mind, peace with oneself, aiming for inner transformation of individuals resulting in a happy world around them.

About Swami Yukta Chaitanya

Brahmachari Yukta Chaitanya ji is the ‘in-charge’ for Chinmaya Bhakti Zone (Bhayandar – Jogeshwari) Chinmaya Mission, Mumbai. Purvaasharam, he was a Graphic Designer by profession and ran a Printing Press business. He did his Commerce stream study from Bhavans College, Mumbai and Applied Arts Course from Rachana Sansad.

In 2011 he joined the 2-year Vedanta Course @ Sandeepany Sadhanalaya, Powai Ashram, under the tutelage of Swami Advayanandaji. In 2013 he was conferred upon the Deeksha by Pujya Swami Tejomayanandaji and was first posted in the Mahim Centre and now since 2018 he has been serving at the Borivali Centre. Brahmachari ‌Yukatji conducts many sessions for all age groups and he regularly takes study classes for youth and seniors. He also conducts corporate workshops for professionals, sessions for school and college teachers, etc. Right now Brahmachari Yukta ji, along with Sri TP Bhatia College of Science, is also serving as a mentor to KES Shroff College of Commerce and Arts, Thakur College of Science and Commerce, taking regular sessions for all the students. He loves cricket, hockey, chess, and photography.

Highlights of the Sessions for Std 11 students

The session started with pointing out the role and importance of parents in our life.

  • A student is nothing without their parents
  • Our Roti, Kapadaa, Makaan are by the grace of our parents hence at all times we should respect our parents and elders
  • No one can love us more than our parents, they are the ONLY people who will stand with us in any challenging circumstances
  • Never hurt our parents or elders by our words or deeds, THEY DO NOT DESERVE IT
  • It is our duty to regularly spend time with our parents, to share our day’s events with them, to help clean the house, etc.
  • Parents are humans too, they get tired, be concerned of their physical and mental wellbeing too
  • Seek blessings from them everyday
  • Life is very uncertain, we do not know when and what will happen to us or anyone anytime, hence value the presence of our loved ones every moment
  • Our parents have taken a lot of trouble for us and we should express our love, respect and gratitude EVERYDAY by our words and action
  • Always make our parents proud of us, we should not do anything than can embarrass them in society
  • Our Parents blessings is our Kavach, its our protective shield and protects us
  • Our Teachers are also giving a part of their life (time) to us and they will not be getting that time back, so we must for ever be indebted to our teachers
  • Our Teachers know more about the subject and also about life, hence we must show our respect to them and NEVER disrespect them
  • We have yet to mature and gain experience of life so at this young age we should not get into relationships
  • It’s time to study, make a good career for ourselves
  • Use your time for yourself, do not allow anyone else to waste your time
  • Everything we see on OTT, T.V, WEB SHOWS, MOVIES etc is not true
  • We do not get what we DESIRE, we get what we DESERVE, so learn to forgive and move on
  • Parents, elders, friends, relatives, all of them will forgive and forget all the hurt we cause them but REMEMBER, our KARMA does not forgive or forget, it will come back to seriously hurt us harder, it will come back to haunt us
  • Being happy is to be successful, being successful may not result in happiness always
  • We want to be happy all the time, but we should also aim to succeed at physical, mental, emotional, financial and spiritual level too
  • Only when there is a holistic growth curve, we will be happy and also make people around us happy
  • Our success should be measured by all that we lost in our life to achieve it
  • NOT TO DO WHAT I WANT TO DO is real Freedom
  • What do we want Freedom from? Mind??? No. Then? I want Freedom not from the mind but from the SLAVERY of the mind.
  • The freedom that I am right now enjoying is the Freedom of the slaves, because right now I am a slave of my own mind
  • I dance to the whims and fancies of the mind.
  • I should have the Freedom to tell effortlessly NO to my mind
  • True Freedom is when I am able to say NO to what I like to do and effortlessly do WHAT I HAVE TO DO

In the form of question/answer and debates the students discuss such topics and are given some thought provoking questions to think over.
The importance of relationships between parent and child is crucial to child’s success. Some of such very important topics are discussed and parents are encouraged to find solutions to keep child stress free and lead a happy and successful life.

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Value Education Sessions – Need of the Hour for Parents by Br Yukta ChaitanyaShri T P Bhatia College of Science : SYJC 2024-25 Online Admission Process

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