Subject Combination
Feel free to choose any subject combination of your choice
SUBJECT OFFERED / COMPULSORY SUBJECTS (WITH LANGUAGE) = TOTAL 600 MARKS English Hindi Physics Chemistry Mathematics Biology 100 Marks 100 Marks 100 Marks 100 Marks 100 Marks 100 Marks OPTIONAL SUBJECTS In Place of Hindi (100 Marks) Information Technology (With Addition Fees) OR Marathi OR Gujarati OR French OR Sanskrit In Place of Mathematics (100 Marks) (With Additional Fees) Geography OR Economics OR Psychology In place of Biology (100 Marks) (With Additional Fees) Geography OR Economics OR Psychology In place of Biology/Mathematics + Hindi (200 Marks) (With Additional Fees) Computer Science OR Electrical Maintenance OR Electronics OR Mechanical Maintenance EVS and PE are COMPULSORY GRADED SUBJECT Geography, Economics, Psychology, Marathi, Gujarati, French and Sanskrit are SELF STUDY only GUIDANCE LECTURE will be conducted.